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Family Planning

Mother and a Child



Our Family Planning services are designed to help you make informed decisions about your reproductive health and plan for your future. Our experienced and compassionate OBGYN team can provide a range of services, including birth control counseling, fertility evaluations, and pregnancy planning.


During your appointment, our team will work with you to understand your individual needs and goals. We will discuss the various types of birth control options available and help you determine which option may be best for you based on your lifestyle, health, and personal preferences.


We can also provide fertility evaluations and counseling for individuals or couples who are trying to conceive. Our team can help you understand your reproductive health and provide guidance and support throughout the process.


Whatever your needs may be, our goal is to provide you with the highest quality care and support to help you make informed decisions about your reproductive health and family planning.


Frequently Asked Questions:


What types of birth control options are available?


There are many types of birth control options available, including hormonal methods such as the pill, patch, or injection, as well as non-hormonal options such as condoms, diaphragms, or intrauterine devices (IUDs). Our team can help you understand the pros and cons of each option and determine which method may be best for you based on your individual needs and preferences.


 How can I improve my chances of getting pregnant?


There are several factors that can affect fertility, including age, lifestyle choices, and underlying health conditions. Our team can provide fertility evaluations to help you understand your reproductive health and identify any potential issues that may be impacting your ability to conceive. We can also provide guidance and support on healthy lifestyle choices and other strategies that may improve your chances of getting pregnant.


What should I do if I miss a birth control pill?


If you miss a birth control pill, it is important to follow the instructions provided with your specific type of birth control. In general, if you miss a single pill, you should take it as soon as you remember and continue taking your pills as usual. If you miss multiple pills, it may be necessary to use a backup method of birth control or speak with your OBGYN about adjusting your birth control regimen.


Can I get pregnant while using birth control?


​While birth control is highly effective at preventing pregnancy, no method is 100% foolproof. In rare cases, pregnancy can occur even while using birth control. If you suspect that you may be pregnant, it is important to speak with your OBGYN right away to discuss your options and receive appropriate care.

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